About Me

Well hello there! And welcome to my little corner of the internet. Thanks for stopping by! I just want to briefly tell you about myself and what I plan for this blog.

Hi. I’m Marissa. I am a Mormon. I am also a wife, mother, photographer, lover of pistachios and cashews, and lots of other things that you will learn about me over time. I am not perfect and will never claim to be. I try my hardest to do my best.

I love my family. I have been married for 5 years and have been a mother for 3. My daughter is my world. {You’ll be seeing her around here, I’m sure.} I converted to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints the Saturday after we were married. I married a man who was a life-long member and I am what you would call a “convert.” We were “active” {which means we went to church and did what we were supposed to do} for a few months after my baptism.  It’s hard making that drastic of a change in lifestyle, and I couldn’t didn’t keep up with it long. Fast forward to July 2011. My daughter was almost a year old and we had really started to think about our lives and where we were heading spiritually. We decided that now was the time to get back on track. We started living our lives the way we knew we should and we were sealed in the Salt Lake City Temple March 2012. {Remember how I said earlier that I’m not perfect and I will never claim to be? Well here goes one of those confessions…} We don’t actually attend church as often as we should. But that’s just where I am with it right now.

I have what I call my epiphanies. They are just my random realizations. {You’ll see what I mean.} I get all these thoughts jumbling around in my head then all of a sudden BAM! Something I have struggled with makes sense. I want a place to write down these thoughts and share them with others in hopes that I can help them make sense of something.

A little factoid about me: I love to bake. Now, I don’t love baking for the sake of doing it. I love baking because I love eating baked goods. I do. Like LOVE love. I will be sharing some of my favorite recipes {pictures included since, ya know, I am a photographer}. I also have grand aspirations of being a master crafter and seamstress. We’ll see how that goes. I’ve sewn all of one blanket and can’t tell you the last craft I did. But I want to. It will probably end up being a series of failed Pinterest projects, but hey. I’ll try.

So basically, this blog is about anything and everything I feel like sharing. So I hope you’ll stick around and learn some stuff and even teach me some stuff!! I am, of course, open for you to share your thoughts, as well.


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