
So this is my first post. Welcome to you all! Please feel free to check out the About Me tab at the top of the page there. I was going to copy and paste it for my first post, but I thought that would be redundant.

The title of this blog is “Mormon Me” so I feel it’s appropriate to share the story of my conversion into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and my testimony. I’ll keep it brief. Cross my heart.

I was raised Baptist my entire life. I always felt something was off – missing – and strayed away from my roots when I turned 18. I did pretty much everything I was taught not to do thinking that maybe what was missing was in those things. It wasn’t. {duh} I’ll spare you all the gory details and we’ll just fast forward to Cody. He and I hung out a few times and I told him he really just wasn’t my type. {HA!} We ended up hanging out one last time, and that was the end of my single life as I knew it. {Thank God. I was terrible at dating but Cody didn’t seem to mind.} We started dating exclusively in June, were engaged in July, and married in October. Whew. We moved fast once we got going. Over the course of getting to know each other while we were “hanging out” I discovered that he was Mormon. He dispelled a few Mormon myths, ones I’m sure you’ve heard, too. When I started to learn about the church, read things for myself, pray about it, I knew this was the right path for me. I was drawn to it and the core doctrines just made sense to me. I found what I was missing. I got baptized the week after we got married. I can’t say that I regret it necessarily, but that was a lot of change all at once for me. I don’t really recommend that timeline for anyone else. I have had and still do have my struggles {and I’ll share those with you} but I know without a doubt that this is exactly where I need to be.

We were inactive for a while after I was baptized but came back to the church in July of 2011. We were able to be sealed together as a family for eternity in March 2012. It was a wonderful experience and I am so thankful for my forever family!


Are there any other converts out there? If so, I’d love to hear a little bit about your conversion story.