So Lucky!!!

So this isn’t news to me by any means, but it’s funny how things can just really hit you at a moment for no reason. I am SO LUCKY to have Cody! That’s not to say that we have a fantasy marriage without complication, because we definitely have our moments!! But I just got to thinking yesterday that he is such a wonderful man. I do complain sometimes, but when I look back on the situation, there really was never anything to complain about. I would NEVER want to go out into the dating world again! I wouldn’t be able to find another man like him if I looked for a hundred years! I have found, too, that I love him because of our differences in personality, not in spite of them. He is simple when I am complicated. He is frugal when I want to spend money nilly willy. He is calm when I am hysterical. He is silly when I am sad. He is funny when I am serious. He is understanding when I am ridiculous. He makes me think about things when I just want to take them at face value and fly off the handle. He laughs when I say something stupid. He tells me I am perfect and beautiful even when I am not having a bad day. He says it because he believes it to be true always. He really and truly is my other half. He is everything I am not. Like I said, I always know these things to be true…but I’ve just been thinking about it since yesterday and wanted to share!!!

This Weekend

This weekend was great! My BFF Jillian (also engaged to my brother-in-law, Justin) flew in on Friday. So she and Justin came over Friday night and went out to eat with us! Then it was back to our place for fun and games. That is the most fun I have had in a long time. I really cut loose (as evidenced in the pictures)! Then Justin dropped her back by on his way to work and the fun of Saturday began! I love chillin just the two of us! I can REALLY talk to her and we are so much alike that we really get each other. On the other hand, we have some major differences! I am SOOO glad she’s moving here and becoming my sister!!! So, on Saturday we went to get my hurr did by the fabulous Selena. After that we went back to the apartment and watched Vanity Fair (great movie). The boys got off work, went out to eat at Cheddar’s with the whole family for the May b-days…much fun. After that was over the boys dropped us off at the house and went to the store…brought back flowers…good move! Then more fun and games with the addition of Justin’s friend Steven, who is very, um, proper. Sunday morning found us in McKinney eating breakfast with in-laws. Church after that then back home. A little cleaning and relaxation then dinner with my parents, which is always fun! All-in-all it was a fabulous weekend full of friends, family, and SO MUCH FUN! I can’t wait to do it again!

So Inspired…But What To Do About It?!

So, there are people all around me doing things like having babies, going to school, GRADUATING from school, changing their eating habits and exercising to get healthier, and all sorts of other self improvements. It got me thinking about what I am doing to try to better myself. The only answer I could come up with was nothing.

So now I am trying to think about what I can do. Haven’t really come up with anything solid yet. I know I need to go to school and get healthy myself, but it just seems like there should be something else unique to me. So now my task at hand is to look at every aspect of my life and see what could stand some improvement. Once I narrow it down, I need to come up with a solution. Ugh. This seems a daunting task!!! But I am sure that I can manage!
Any ideas of where to start? I am generally (but not completely) happy with myself…Obviously…No one can honestly say that they are. So any input would be appreciated!!


So this weekend was way fun! Cody and I took off Thursday and Friday from work which equaled a four day weekend. Fabulous! Thursday was a sort of blah day…one of relaxation. Friends came over, grilling out was done. Good times. Now Friday is another story! Cody surprised me with breakfast at IHOP! I so love IHOP! Then we went to see “Ghosts of Girlfriends Past.” I though it was so cute. Two thumbs up. Cody even liked it!. When we walked out of the theatre is was almost raining…my fave kind of weather. So we walked around Firewheel Mall (which is a completely outside mall). We walked by a store that had a way cute dress in the window so we went inside. That led to an impromptu mini-shopping spree. We didn’t really spend THAT much but I got some way cute things that I needed. Justin came over later that day. We played games until late. It was a really good day! The rest of the weekend was pretty much the same as it usually is. Justin came over again on Saturday and played more games. Laundry was done, the apartment was cleaned, Walmart and Fry’s were visited, as well as McKinney…It was all in all a great four days! I love spending time with my husband and would probably literally never leave his side if I didn’t have to. So…that’s all for now!